
Horde Guild • Wyrmrest Accord • US • Retail

Role Playing

We are a guild looking to get into Mythic Raiding as well as build a Roleplay community

Throm-Ka, Warrior

Welcome to Whitesun. We are a Raiding/RP Guild that is focused on building a strong community of players to Raid with as well as have a strong community of Roleplayers who feel welcomed and feel like their stories mean something. 

Created in July of 2020 we have been moving strong in the PVE community of WRA, in our first tier raiding we got AOTC (Pre-nerf) in Castle Nathria as well as 2/10M. We have a solid group of core players who love playing together and are looking forward to diving deeper into mythic content in this next tier and the tiers after that. 

We believe in a community where we are all on the same page and a community that likes to do more than just play a game together. We believe in a community of people who live life together. With a strong set of officers, we at Whitesun pride ourselves in being open and honest with people as well as creating time out of our days to help those in need of assistance, wether that is leveling, or Torghast, or finding a heroic raid to join on an off night. And while some days it can seem pretty slow on WoW in general, our discord is almost ALWAYS popping with people in the text channels if not people hanging out in voice and doing things like playing other games, doing homework, and just having fun together. 



Sanctum of Domination
8 / 10
9 / 10
0 / 10
Castle Nathria
3 / 10
10 / 10
0 / 10



No event found!

Recruiting active players, RolePlayers, M+ers, and Raiders

Created in July of 2020 we have been moving strong in the PVE community of WRA, in our first tier raiding we got AOTC (Pre-nerf) in Castle Nathria as well as 2/10M. We have a solid group of core players who love playing together and are looking forward to diving deeper into mythic content in this next tier and the tiers after that. 

We believe in a community where we are all on the same page and a community that likes to do more than just play a game together. We believe in a community of people who live life together. With a strong set of officers, we at Whitesun pride ourselves in being open and honest with people as well as creating time out of our days to help those in need of assistance, wether that is leveling, or Torghast, or finding a heroic raid to join on an off night. And while some days it can seem pretty slow on WoW in general, our discord is almost ALWAYS popping with people in the text channels if not people hanging out in voice and doing things like playing other games, doing homework, and just having fun together. 

So, what are we looking for? We are looking for a committed person(s) who is willing to Raid with us 2 nights a week (Currently T/Th 6-9PST: Subject to change in 9.1) We want people who are go-getters, who will fit our community and be kind to others but also be willing to ask people for assistance if they need it. People who bring a positive attitude to raid and respectful attitude toward leadership are a necessary as we are going to be more like family after we've wiped on the same mythic boss for the 80th time together. 

For Roleplayers: we are looking for people who are wanting to bring about change to the world, the Horde has too much division and we aim to bring it together, to do that we will need to play the political game, we will need to get our hands dirty, and do some underhanded tactics. But our purpose is good, if you have a past, throw it away, it no longer defines you here, unless you wish it to then we will support you through that, there is no bad, or good here, only those who are part of House Whitesun.

Death Knight Death Knight
Death Knight Blood Death Knight Frost Death Knight Unholy
Demon Hunter Demon Hunter
Demon Hunter Havoc Demon Hunter Vengeance
Druid Druid
Druid Balance Druid Feral Druid Guardian Druid Restoration
Hunter Hunter
Hunter Beast Mastery Hunter Marksmanship Hunter Survival
Mage Mage
Mage Arcane Mage Fire Mage Frost
Monk Monk
Monk Brewmaster Monk Mistweaver Monk Windwalker
Paladin Paladin
Paladin Holy Paladin Protection Paladin Retribution
Priest Priest
Priest Discipline Priest Holy Priest Shadow
Rogue Rogue
Rogue Assassination Rogue Outlaw Rogue Subtlety
Shaman Shaman
Shaman Elemental Shaman Enhancement Shaman Restoration
Warlock Warlock
Warlock Affliction Warlock Demonology Warlock Destruction
Warrior Warrior
Warrior Arms Warrior Fury Warrior Protection


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/console screenshotQuality 10

Check out our wonderful guild through the eyes of the guildies.