Welcome to Unusual Behavior! Here you can find information about our guild, and recruitment status or possibly get in touch with us! Feel free to reach out if you are interested in joining :D
Unusual Behavior
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Unusual Behavior is Recruiting for TWW!!
Unusual Behavior is a laid back social guild that focuses on M+ and Raiding. As a group we aim for AOTC every tier and have a nice mix of casual players and hardcore pushers. In addition to that, we have weekly guild events, transmog runs, mount farming, or game nights for a break in the monotony that is WoW. We welcome players of all skill levels, experiences and backgrounds.
Raid Info: (Note: Raid team is currently full, that may change as the season starts and spots could open up. We are however accepting all roles and classes for m+ and backups for raid.)
Heroic Prog: Friday/Saturday 7-10pm EST
Normal (Alt): Sunday 7-10pm EST
Recruitment Contacts (Discord):
@toxik. (Guild Master)
@_peppermint (Guild Officer/HR)
@Angie1988 (Guild Officer)
@ilovin (Guild Officer/Raid Leader)
@creektx88 (Guild Officer/Assistant Raid Leader)
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