**Good players are always considered**
What should we expect from you?
- You should have Heroic or Mythic experience in the current raid tier
- Be online 15 minutes before raid time. We supply Food, Flasks and Potions.
- Know your class and recommended rotations.
- Discord - you don't need a mic but you need to be able to listen.
- 230 ilvl+
- Professionalism. We're a group of working adults with limited opportunity to raid. We are serious and we expect you to be serious too.
- Have Fun. While we are very serious with our approach we are of course doing this to have fun. Don't lose sight of that!
- Reliability. We need people that will show up consistently and be fully engaged during raids.
Undead and Fabulous has been around since 2005, and we'll be here until the end. Talk to an officer in game or on B.net if interested!
Cadavera - Cad#1857
Altra - LordBulkstar#1583
Jehane - Rouge#11484