Mythic Raid: Tues/Thurs/Sat 8pm EST, 7pm CST, 5pm PST.
Heroic Raid: Same times as above, will change as roster is filled and mythic is established.
Guild is most active starting at 5pm CST.
Trophy Wives is a guild compromised of individuals looking to break into the Mythic raiding scene. Our leadership compromises of AOTC raid leaders and seeking to improve with a solid group of individuals.
Our Community
Trophy Wives is a home for players of all skill levels. We have a social component that will do transmogs hunts, mount grinds, and other activities that don't require intense levels of game play. We have previous CE members, AOTC members, and even people who have just begun to enjoy Azeroth and all it has to offer. We strive to be accepting of all people, however our raid team is competitive placement based.
Joining the Ranks
Trophy Wives is accepting of all levels of players. Please reach out to us through Warcraft Logs, Raider.IO, Discord, or BattleNet to get a place in our community. Our raid teams will have competitive placement, requiring members to achieve a 60% Heroic Parse before moving into the mythic team. These numbers are simply a basis, not the final decision, and everything from mechanical proficiency to ability to handle correction is taken into account.
Communication is paramount in Trophy Wives. We strive to theory craft, provide analysis, and assist our members with increasing their personal parses and knowledge base of the game. No member is too low on the totem pole to bring ideas to the forefront and the leadership is extremely open with all decisions made and are constantly including the community in decisions that drive the guild towards grand ambitions.