Tribal is a new Raiding guild founded with the goal of creating a stable community where like-minded players can achieve quick and efficient AOTC Heroic clears each and every tier and participate in seasonal Mythic+ content. The Gaming community as a whole can feel a little cynical these days, often for good reason. We’re looking to change that dynamic by bringing together a group of players who still love playing World of Warcraft despite its many flaws. We love playing good videogames with good people, and we want to build a resilient community where our friendships transcend the world of Azeroth. When WoW inevitably gets a little stale late in the tier we want our community to enjoy playing other great games together to keep things fresh and fun.
Adult Gamers all have plenty of real life commitments that take priority over our virtual hobbies, and most of us aren’t able to put in the same insane hours of play-time that we could a decade ago. When we sit down to game after a long day we’re looking to unwind from the noise of the real world around us. We don’t have time for internet drama, we want our time to be respected, and we still want to smash content with like-minded skilled players just like the good ol’ days. Tribal seeks to provide a stable place where you can achieve your in-game goals without feeling like you’re clocking into a second job.
Tribal welcomes players from all corners of the world. However we are at our core, a US-West based guild with raid times that cater to working adults in the US Pacific Time-Zone. Most of our events are scheduled for a 8:00PM (PDT) start-time in order to allow players on the west coast a comfortable window to get through our commute, get through the door and eat some dinner before logging on to raid.