OUR RAID TEAM IS ALMOST FULL - WE ARE LOOKING FOR A SHAMAN DPS IF AT ALL POSSIBLE! - Please join our discord, take a look around and if you think we fit - apply. Guild Discord Link: https://discord.gg/5KR9vZQCeR
The Golden Age was formed during Warlords of Draenor and has achieved "Ahead of the Curve" every season since. We are a friendly team and have a non-toxic approach to progression. We are looking for other friendly people that also want to enjoy playing the game and play through Heroic Raids. We are on the lookout for Raiders and Versatile players. We want a strong team so that we can raid each week, giving people that real life flexibility to skip a week where needed and to not feel like raiding is a second job.
RAIDING: Wednesday and Thursday - Times: 20:30 - 23:00PM Server Time.
We are a Heroic Progression guild and our collective goal is getting "Ahead of the Curve" for the raid tier we are raiding. Our second goal is to have fun, no drama, no toxicity. We are here to play the game and have fun. We have a good core group and even during the down periods of Warcraft seasons we have still managed to form raids and keep activity at a good level.
What we expect:
Minimum requirements set by the Raid Leader must be met (most commonly item level requirement for the current raid difficulty). An understanding of your class and the raiding environment, Discord + Headset and Mic. Respect all members. We understand not everyone gets along in the heat of the moment, however - bullying, racism and harassment will 100% not be tolerated.
What we offer:
A friendly, safe environment and runes during progression. We have a diverse and understanding officer team that is always available. If you have managed to get this far, please drop one of us a message with any questions you may have and join our discord where you can apply to join our raid team.
Guild Discord Link: https://discord.gg/mdPxe5UA
Battle Net:
Boogie#21283 | RichardJS#2284 | Nurse#21469 | amon#22589
.boogie. | Ritchie#6347 | nuttynurse#0578 | amon#22589