We are Suit Up on Malorne and we are looking for new recruits who want to push content but only on a 2 day schedule! We continually push mythic content almost getting CE in Nathria and Sanctum, CE in Nyalotha and multiple pushes in tiers previous.
Our raid team is currently looking for great raiders to fill our roster for S4 and into Dragonflgiht and strengthen our core players. We are looking for exceptional raiders whos goals align with others, pushing to contest for CE each tier. We are always welcoming people looking for an active guild and an active raid team.
We have been raiding since Mists of Panderia and we are a close group of raiders who enjoy playing WoW and other games together.
We are a guild full of people who don't like drama and are patient, knowledgeable and above all love to raid. We have a guild bank full of gems/flasks/mats.
We currently raid Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6:30pm PST to 9:30pm PST. We have an optional 3rd night Monday that we use for farm content.
If you are interested, send a whisper on Discord to Carclias#0397 or Carclias#1371 on Bnet.
Add me and we can chat Carclias#1371