Land Raiders

Horde Guild • Silver Hand • US • Retail TIER 4 GUILD


Dragonflight Season 1 Recap

With another fresh tier just around the corner, I think now is a good time to do a check in and really see how we’re doing.

Land Raiders

Horde Guild, Silver Hand, US

May 1, 2023 by Korra

Last Update: 27 June 2023


It's been awhile since our last post! But with another fresh tier just around the corner, I think now is a good time to do a check in and see how we’re doing. So let's jump right in.

Roster wise, we’ve seen a lot of fluctuation. We started off with more than 30 people on the raid team to the point we actually had to make cuts, which felt pretty bad and none of the officers were happy with. There were many a words had behind the scenes about it. We also saw a further decline down to 25, to 20, and then to 15 post AotC. While some of that is normal post-AotC and people taking breaks, a majority was before we got everyone their achievements. Just a friendly reminder, just because we get one AotC doesn't mean we are done. We are in this together.

Our leadership team didn't escape the roster boss either. We’ve seen the departure of Nand and Kenzie from the game, hanging their hats to go outside and such things. We also see Zilleto taking an extended/semi–permanent leave due to the real life boss with Moirenna following suit (though we will still see Moi around thankfully! And she will be returning sooner rather than later). They will be missed and I’m sure I speak for many here who wish them well and can’t wait to see them back (for those returning). They are great people to play games with and hope they stick around the Discord to hang out and play other games with us. Each handled important tasks for the guild too, often without praise or thanks. Some may even pop in from time to time to give input or guidance behind the scenes, because they just can’t help themselves from being awesome. But that’s why we love them!


So what does this mean for the guild and the raid? For now we are running a skeleton crew and will be bottom heavy, but not much should change for members/raiders. If things take a little longer to get organized or initiated though, it’s likely because of this. Nech will be taking over the raid leading again for now (as well as the bank/resource management and onboarding of new players), and I'm sure we can bully Rykoo or Seraie into being back up raid leads for when Nech is out. We will be recruiting some leadership roles alongside our normal recruitment though, and if anyone wants to step up and take over some tasks please feel free to speak up! There’s no need to take on more than you want, but there’s always tasks to be handled. Even taking on a small one, like being early to handle raid invites or placing raid markers for a boss, can be a big help.


Overall though looking back, and despite being a small fish in a small pond, we made a big splash in this tier. Not only did we end the tier in 1st place, our AotC was literally weeks ahead of everyone else’s. We got our Glory of the Raider miles ahead of everyone too. I think it’s safe to say we can be proud of how we did this tier as a guild. Everyone should be proud of their contributions that they made to this goal whether through pushing their limits, stepping out when need be, or contributing mats/funds to the cause. We continue to exist and thrive due to a community effort, and I think this image speaks for itself:

Truly great job everyone.


So, what else? Well, this week you should see a post detailing general information and strategies for the new raid as well as one organizing some M+ teams. I think we can do better as a group when it comes to pushing keys together and making sure everyone meets their seasonal goals. So just a few points to start this tier as organized as possible, but I think we're stepping off from a strong foothold.


We also have implemented some minor Discord changes for roles and onboarding new people. This won’t impact most of you, but if you hear of any new people having trouble with Discord please reach out to an officer so we can help correct this. It might be user error, or it might be just Nech messing up setting up the onboarding. Still user error, just different user.


And now for the tier-ly reminder. As we come off farm and go back to progression mode some things will go back to how they were. So here is your reminder of Progression Raider Expectations:

Be efficient and respectful of others time

  • Wipe, release/wait for mass res, eat, go
  • Be ready to go at raid start
    • Show up on time
    • Grab your supplies from the bank early
    • Get to the raid location A.S.A.P. so we can start right away

Be respectful of the coms

  • Keeping coms clear is important for progression, during pulls keep chatter to a minimum and defer to the raid lead or designated people to call out information we need
    • If you have an idea, feedback, or need to communicate something important don’t hesitate to speak up, but please be clear, concise, and informative

Be prepared

  • Know which consumables you need - flasks, stat food, oils/stones, armor kits, and augment runes
    • Most of these are available through the guild bank - please use them!
  • Make sure your gear is enchanted
    • These are also available through the guild bank - ask someone if you can’t find what you need
  • Understand the strats for the bosses we’re working on
    • Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you don’t understand something

Commit to improvement

  • Run at least one 15+ per week for vault reward
    • Ask in guild or community for help if you’re not already running them consistently
  • Make mistakes and learn from them
    • Not sure what went wrong? Need help improving? Don’t understand why something happens?
  • Reach out to one of the officers for help!

Be a team player

  • If asked to sit out for whatever reason, please do so in a timely manner and realize it’s a last resort that officers hate to use
  • Take and provide feedback to other players in an appropriate manner


But most importantly…

Remember that the reason we do this is to have fun and enjoy the people we play with. The community is more important than any title we can obtain. If you’re struggling with something or someone, please reach out to one of the officers in game or on discord so we can help. We are a community built around helping others, so let’s keep this fun while pushing content.


In the interest of keeping this post short-ish though (sorry not sorry Moi) I’ll end this one here. But we have some big news coming up in the next few days so stay tuned! There will be another post soon! Keep up the great work all, and I will see you in Azeroth!

