Is Your Monitor On is a small raid & key driven PVE-oriented guild/cross server community looking to grow the family. Even though progressing in raids/keys is our main focus, we still love all other parts of the game! Whether you are a raider, key runner, mount/pet/achievement collector, new or experienced player, there is fun to be had here!
Prog Raid Team:
Goal AOTC and anything after just for fun! We always start with normal with everyone on a trial for going into heroic. Wed/Thurs 9pm - 11:30pm est.
Alt/Community Normal Raid - TBD
Mythic +:
We love KSM around here, and the majority of our members work towards this goal every season. We are always looking for new friends to run keys with and do keys of all levels!
Everything else:
We have a few days out of the month set aside for fun events like mount farms, achievement runs, etc once the tier starts to slow down. There a few of us that love PvP but would like to see more members that are interested in doing PvP activities. Also play other games together as well!