Improvise, Adapt, Wipe is looking for players! We are a group of veterans with a core that has been raiding together the entirety of Dragonflight and are now looking for fresh blood to fill our ranks!
Our goals are set on Mythic Raiding without pushing for CE unless obtainable. We are looking to build for long term goals and commitments and wish to achieve CE at some point while trying to be as relaxed about it as we can. We offer guidance to everyone who needs it and have a welcoming attitude to new people in our community. Right now we are looking for players to commit long term to our raid team to be able to build out our core and always guarantee a pug-free 20+ man group for progress oriented raiding come TWW. If you are looking for a guild that acts as a stepping stone to better guilds, we kindly ask you to look elsewhere.
We Raid Wed & Sun 20:00-23:00 CET, but will be Raiding Wed, Thurs and Sunday 20:00-23:00 CET for the first 2 weeks upon raid release in TWW to try and make a bit of a more serious push for progression as early as possible! We ask you to be knowledgeable about your spec and upcoming bosses as well as being able to attend most raids and make sure you gear up outside of raids as well. We expect everyone to come fully prepared (phials, food, enchants, gems etc) and also expect everyone to stick to that baseline regardless of what difficulty is being done any given raid night.
Btag: WurlyShirley#2675 Lpjenkins#2926 Thiran#21578