Gentle River Otters

Horde Guild • Lone Wolf • US • Classic Era TIER 4 GUILD


Gentle River Otters

GRO are a collection of players who have roots going all the way back to the Everquest days. While most of us have played with various guilds over wow's lifespan, Classic 2019 was treated as a reunion of sorts for a lot of us and we've been going strong throughout the entire classic era. With Wrath coming to a close, the guild decided to move to SOD full time; however, due to Phase 3 lasting for a milennia and TWW dropping right at the start of the raid tier, we've found ourselves in the unfortunate position of requiring some fresh blood to keep us moving into the next phases.

Our core is comprised of players who have played in various high-end guilds thoughout the years, with a fair number of us having several regional "firsts" in prior raid tiers throughout Vanilla, TBC and Wrath. While we certainly wouldn't describe ourselves as "hardcore" these days, we're still a dedicated bunch who aim to pump every raid night and get content cleared quickly and efficiently (without necessarily going through the stress of a speed run). We'd describe ourselves somewhere in the middle between "casual" and "hardcore"; we're "get everything cleared in one night each week" kind of guild where we have an expectation that you come fully consumed/world buffed and will play more than competently, but we're not expecting that every player is gonna push for a 99 on every single encounter every single night. At the end of the day, we are here to have fun with each other and enjoy the time we spend together as a guild.

We presently raid on Tuesdays from 6 to 9 PM server, but also run a world boss/Ony on Sundays at the same time. With word that BWL is going to be a flex raid, we are welcoming of more than just individual players, but any groups who are looking for a new home. For the long-term health of the guild going into future phases, we're definitely interested in absorbing any and all talented players looking to raid with a new family.



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Wrathfall / Lone Wolf (US)
Orc 60 Fury Warrior
Niceslice / Lone Wolf (US)
Undead 60 Combat Tank Rogue
Sweetiepie / Lone Wolf (US)
Tauren 50 Feral Combat Druid
Dudejuice / Lone Wolf (US)
Troll 60 Enhancement Tank Shaman
Thuperthtar / Lone Wolf (US)
Tauren 29 Balance Druid
Krugz / Lone Wolf (US)
Orc 50 Demonology Tank Warlock


  This is it. The night we raid.
  Tuesday   ➜ 3 hours

<Gentle River Otters> Recruiting for H3 and Beyond

Gentle River Otters are looking for the following roles for Heat 3 clears and whatever lies ahead of us in the coming phases:

Elemental Shaman
DPS Warrior
DPS Mage
Any Healer Spec

We are looking specifically for players who are ready to jump straight into Heat 3, with players who have experience with Heat 2 preferred.

We currently raid on Tuesdays from 6-9 PM server time for MC/Ony/World Bosses, usually taking no more than 90 mins on an average week. We clear Ony/World Bosses again on Sundays at the same time; we will continue to aim for one night a week clears in future phases, but Thursday would be our second raid night in situations where an additional night is necessary.

While we are a somewhat casual bunch, we have high expectations of our players bringing their A-game each night. World buffs and consumables are a no brainer, but we also expect that you know what you're doing and can play your class more than competently. We encourage a competitive environment where our players actively want to beat each other to a pulp on the meters, but we also don't have insane expectations of people min/maxing to the extreme just to squeeze out an additional 6 DPS.

We expect to move to the PVP megaserver once more information is made available on that; additionally, with the news that BWL will be a flex 20-40, we are open to recruiting much more than just the above listed classes. If you're looking for a new home or have a friend group that are all looking for a raiding guild together, please reach out!

Druid Druid
Druid Balance Druid Feral Combat Druid Restoration
Hunter Hunter
Hunter Beast Mastery Hunter Marksmanship
Mage Mage
Mage Arcane Mage Arcane Healer Mage Fire Mage Frost
Priest Priest
Priest Discipline Priest Holy
Shaman Shaman
Shaman Elemental Shaman Restoration
Warlock Warlock
Warlock Affliction Warlock Destruction
Warrior Warrior
Warrior Fury


4.09.2024 (Wed)
28.08.2024 (Wed)
26.08.2024 (Mon)
31.07.2024 (Wed)
23.07.2024 (Tue)
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