Welcome to Dumpster Fire. We are a AOTC / Casual Mythic Guild. We formed late into BFA, and managed to eventually push, 12/12H 3/12M during Ny'alotha, and we got 10/10H during Castle Nathria, but we didn't have the roster at the time for Mythic. During Sepulcher we managed to hit 2/10M, however due to real life issues, including burnout, partially caused by Sylvanas herself, thats where we ended up stopping. All sorts of raiding experience in the group. The raid lead has Cutting Edge experience, but its laid back for the most part. We do like to have lots of fun, while getting serious for boss pulls, especially progression ones. The guild is full of good friends. Some of us play D&D together as well, and are a tight knit group, but are very welcoming.
You might notice the screenshots have different names, we've gone through a few names now trying to find one that'll really stick, hopefully this one does.