Guild Name: * Disconnected *
Faction/Region/Realm: Horde[US] Trollbane/Malfurion/Ghostlands/Gnomeregan/Grizzly Hills/Kael'thas/Lothar/Moonrunner
Heroic/Mythic Raid: Weds/Thrus (7-10 p.m. est)
Normal/Heroic Raid: Sat (7-10 p.m. est)
Mythic + Runs: +10 or higher throughout the week Current Progression N 10/10 H 8/10
Disconnected is currently recruiting core players to fill raid positions. Available positions are Hunter (marks), Mage (fire) ,Paly(holy/ret) ,DK (unholy). Toons need to be geared for heroic/Mythic 200ilv bis multi/single target lego,current renown and right covenant, normal completion and knowledge of current raid. We welcome all and strive to create a fair and balanced gaming experience for all guild members. Raid positions are based off Performance/Attendance. Though not all members may participate in scheduled guild runs, all are given the chance for the opportunities. Help and Guild Perks are provided to all members no matter their rank. (Guild XP may be needed)